Wiston Churchill e a Segunda Grande Guerra
"Não podemos saber como chegará a libertação e quando chegará. Porém estou certo de que toda pegada das pisadas de Hitler, toda mancha de seus infectados e corrídos dedos, será limpada e depurada, e, se for necessário, apagada da superfície da terra". Wiston Churchill
Discurso inflamado de um grande líder que se viu à beira da derrota. Mas, uma investida japonesa em Pearl Harbor colocou os americanos na segunda guerra, o que alimentou as esperanças inglesas. Não se trata de um mero discurso de ódio, mas de um desabafo de um homem que tem em suas costas a responsabilidade, não apenas de tirar um país de uma crise financeira ou de qualquer outra ordem administrativa interna, mas a de extirpar da face da terra um sistema repressor. O peso que estava sobre Churchill e seus aliados era nada mais, nada menos, que o peso da liberdade.
Winston Churchill and World War II
"We can not know how to reach liberation and when it will. But I am sure that all of the footprint footsteps of Hitler, all stain of their infected and run fingers, will be cleaned and purified, and, if necessary, off the earth's surface" . Winston Churchill
Inflammatory speech of a great leader who found himself on the verge of defeat. But a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor put the Americans in World War II, which fueled the English hopes. It is not a mere hate speech, but an outburst of a man who has in his back the responsibility, not only to take a country of a financial crisis or any other internal administrative order, but to extirpate the face of the land a repressive system. The weight that was on Churchill and his allies was no more and no less, that the burden of freedom.
Winston Churchill and World War II
"We can not know how to reach liberation and when it will. But I am sure that all of the footprint footsteps of Hitler, all stain of their infected and run fingers, will be cleaned and purified, and, if necessary, off the earth's surface" . Winston Churchill
Inflammatory speech of a great leader who found himself on the verge of defeat. But a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor put the Americans in World War II, which fueled the English hopes. It is not a mere hate speech, but an outburst of a man who has in his back the responsibility, not only to take a country of a financial crisis or any other internal administrative order, but to extirpate the face of the land a repressive system. The weight that was on Churchill and his allies was no more and no less, that the burden of freedom.